Practical Guide to EU funding opportunities for Research and Innovation How do I obtain support for my research, innovation and entrepreneurial ideas? Are you a researcher with an idea for a research or innovation project? Do you need to upgrade the skills or the capacity of your research organisation? Are you an entrepreneur who would like to undertake research and innovation activities? Are you already engaged in commercial innovation activities whether or not arising from research and development? Are you a cluster manager who seeks to internationalise a cluster and make it more innovative? Are you a regional innovation policy-maker, information officer or research programme manager and want to exchange good practices with your peers from other EU Member States? There may well be funding opportunities available at EU level that can help you implement your plans. The objective of this guide is to explain how to get to relevant information on funding opportunities ("getting through the maze") and make the best use of the possibilities offered by individual instruments or their combination. Although plenty of information is available on the different EU funding sources, potential beneficiaries are often still confused, in particular when it comes to deciding which source of funding is most appropriate for a given activity. The aim of this guide is therefore to help potential applicants for EU funding for research and innovation to find their way to relevant information on funding opportunities ("getting through the maze") in order to identify the most suitable choices among the relevant EU programmes. Given the very wide range of activities that can be funded, the text of the guide cannot itself answer every question. However, it will direct the reader straight to the relevant source of information.